Chandra Green - Owner, SoulMine, LLC
As a graduate of the MasterMind Bootcamp and now a leader in Kansas City Affiliate Group, I have grown personally and professionally. My business is on the growth track and we are networking with like-minded individuals who want to do business better. Excited to be a part of this organization!
What Do You Have To Do To Become A Member?
To become a member, you first be a graduate of the MasterMind Bootcamp. After graduation, you will have 30 days to become a Black MasterMind member without paying a $150 one-time activation fee. Monthly membership dues are $39 and you gain immediate access to the member benefits listed below.
Our mission is to open Affiliate Groups in every major city where there are Black Entrepreneurs who need our help to create sustainable business models. We believe that businesses produce wealth, create employment opportunities and build a legacy for our community.
MasterMind Group Benefits
Free Black MasterMind Group T-Shirt
Special Member Pricing on Black MasterMind Group Merchandise
Business Listing in the Black Marketplace
Experience ongoing networking opportunities
Free Access to Our Monthly Dinner Sessions
Free Subscription to the Black MasterMind Magazine™
Discounts of all Seminars, Trainings and Conferences
Hire a Bridge Builder Coach at a reduced rate
Monthly Virtual RoundTable Seminar Session taught by Subject Matter Experts held on the 3rd Sunday of each month starting at 2:30 pm CST. After COVID-19 restrictions have been removed, the RoundTable session will resume live in the local affiliate group areas.
Listing in The Black MasterMind Member Directory
Business Listing in The Black Marketplace
Access to Members-Only Ask An Expert Session held every 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM CST
Discounts on All Business Training session through The Business Mastery Institute
Full Members Who Complete the Launch Pad Program are eligible for advanced training in government contracting, technology for your business, investment strategies, and franchise development
Children of Members are eligible to be a part of the Young Black MasterMind Group and receive entrepreneur training at the elementary, middle school and high school levels.